Shabbat Shalom! – Why I celebrate Shabbat



In de eerste editie van ONS as in “ons nachtelijk shabbatsgesprek” bespreek ik 4 redenen waarom ik shabbat vier.


Reason Nr. #1 

The first reason why I keep the Shabbat is because I believe that God uses one standard for all people. I believe in the God of the BIBLE, meaning the Old and the New Testament. In the Bible God instructs us how to live a wonderful life, a life that pleases Him. I have noticed that even though Israel has a very special place in His heart God’s instructions were meant for Jews and non-Jews.  For example when God instructs Israel concerning “Pesach’ in Exodus 12:49 he clearly states the standard, ‘the same law applies to the native-born and to the alien living among you.’ (NIV), ‘one law shall be to him that is home-born  and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you’ (KJV). Concerning the Shabbat I revere to Exodus 20:10, Isai. 56:2, 6-7 were it is clearly stated that the Shabbat is for the alien, the man, the son of man, the foreigners and for all nations. In keeping the Shabbat I am absolutely not trying to become a Jew. I am simply convinced that God uses one standard for all people, ‘first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For God does not show favouritism‘. (Rom.2:10b-11). And the beauty of it all is that now we as non-Jewish believers are grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root. (Rom.11:17) What a privilege!

Reason Nr. #2

The second reason why I keep the Shabbat is very simple and brief as illustrated in 1John 2:6 ‘Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.‘ Jesus kept the Shabbat (Luc.4:16; Marc 1:21) so I do too since I’m a disciple of Yeshua (Hebrew for Jesus), the Messiah. 

Reason Nr. #3

The third reason why I keep the Shabbat is very personal and might even sound selfish. It’s because I want it go well with me and my house. I really want to explore and enjoy life esp. now that I’m so convinced of my God-given passion to encourage women to take their life-journey to THE NEXT LEVEL.  You know, God has prepared works for each one of us to do even before we were born (Eph.2:10). Look at Basalelel and Oholiab for example (Deut.35:30-36:7), whom He equipped and made skillful to do the job He had prepared for them in advance to do completely according to His plan. In my life-journey then I strive to keep the Lord’s comments, so it might go well with me and my house as in  Deut.1012 And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, 13 and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?

Reason Nr. #4

The forth and last reason why I keep the Shabbat is because of my great desire to develop an intimate relationship with God. And I know that He desires a close relationship with me too. In Exodus 31:12-13 God shares His heart on the topic.  Then the Lord said to Moses, 13 “Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy.’ God wants to have that intimate relationship with His loved ones.  God wants to have that intimate relationship with me. Of course I can actually have that intimacy with Him on any and every day of the week. I can do it on Sundays, but that is not the Shabbat. Since it is God’s desire to meet with me on this special day which is ordained by Him, I do not wont to miss it! The beauty of it is that while keeping the Shabbat I don’t have to wonder weather I’m in His will or not because I know that He longs to meet with me at the appointed time. What a privilege!

And this brings me to a close on my blog-post about the reasons why I keep the Shabbat holy.  I must say that I have not only experienced my relationship with God grow closer and deeper, but I have also noticed a shalom in my heart and mind as never before in spite of the fluctuations of life. This allows me to handle life more effectively and the results are overwhelming! And to God be the glory!


Denise Sumter

Lid van de Messiaans-Joodse Community Kodesh L’Adonai (Heilig voor de Heer)