Things are Getting out of Hand!

I’m feeling overwhelmed, just like life is passing me by, just like I am loosing control. I got do something about it while I can. I’ll take you in on it, so you know how I deal with this. Hopefully you get inspired.

I stop and I pause and then take this information that, I now realize, has been repeatedly brought to my attention, not rudely screaming to be heard, yet softly and constantly “Things are getting out of hand! Things are getting out of hand! Gotta do something about it! Things are getting out of hand!”

First, I pray “Lord-God, things are getting out of hand, I’m loosing control her. THANK GOD …. You have it all in control. What would I do with out you Lord….love Yah”.

Second, brainstorming, what a great tool to get back on track. All areas of my life that are getting out of control pass slowly through the TV-screen of my mind.

1. The Foundation Stg. Make A Difference!

  • The royal women and the only prince who participated in the MINI-WORKSHOP ‘PLANNING 2015’, 2e edition need a reminder to attend the Terug-Kom-Dag. I’d love to see them again and hear how they are doing as they pursue their dream to make this year their BEST YEAR EVER!
  • The 5 extra-ordinary women who participated in the MINI-WORKSHOP ‘PLANNING 2015’, 3e edition need to know about the Terug-Kom-Dag of the 2-nd group so they can benefit from this opportunity since there will be a lecture on “How to deal with Stress”.
  • The same goes for the participants of the 1rst edition. I can’t wait to see these inspiring people who really want to make a difference in their lives!

2. Family & Household

  • I definitely need to give priority to the bunch of clothes that are just sitting there waiting to be sorted out and organized so that part of the room can look nice again  (…..nasty!)
  • I need do prepare lunch today.

3. Carrier

  • I want to study certain parts of the Development Plan of Suriname to prepare myself for a new job opportunity.
  • I need to make an appointment with the Community Development Workers to supervise them.

4. Spirituality

  • I need to do some preps for the next lecture concerning the Biblical feast ‘Pesach’ .

    Third, I now realize that while I was writing all the frustration out, I was also gaining control again and the feeling of excitement kicked in. All I wonna do right now is start my 30 minute work-out….See yah.

    God definitely answers prayer! Thank you Daddy!

    I ‘d love to know your thoughts or quick remarks on this post, so I get to know you personally. (The procedure is simple and easy, use your Google email-address)

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