The Power of Consistency.

Consistency is the driving force of a successful human being. I write about it because I realize that this is just the key principle that I need to develop in order to make a difference even more in this precious life which was given to me. Since I decided not to waist any of it any longer I set myself to experience the power of consistency.

Consistency captures the words constant and insist. Constant means that it does not stop, but goes on and on and on ….. the same activity over time. Insist is to demand or declare something in a strong and firm way. Putting these words together I believe that consistency is shown when you demand or declare the same principle, direction or standards wherever you are and whatever you do over and over and over, again and again and again. That means that once you’ve decided to go for the goal, you do not let anything or anyone stop you from getting there, not even yourself. Instead you move forward every single day, steadfast, strongly following the course that you have clearly set out to achieve.

It is important to consistently move forward in order to experience the beauty of success, since success is sequential in character. That means that it builds itself over time, until the compound effect kicks in. Check deze video voor een simpele uitleg: The slide edge. This means that a number of events will follow one after the other until the final moment arrives. This momentum can only be reached with consistency. This leaves no place for quitting or procrastinating. So, I made up my mind to ponder on this key ingredient to success for the next 7 days, starting today by taking action on it. What ‘it’ means can differ from person to person. For one it might me starting that research-project, for some-one else the ‘it’ might be starting a new carrier/business, for you ‘it’ might be helping your kids through their school-work. But whatever ‘it’  may be …do it consistently and so set yourself up for the momentum that ‘it’ brings.  It’s  the power of consistency.

In the next video I’ll share with you 5 ways I use to tap into the power of consistency.


If you want more help to build clarity on the things you want to achieve with the power of consistency you can join us at the following workshop PLANandDO2018. You can also sent me an email or voice message via

Let’s unfold this year with the power of consistency!

 Denise Sumter
Teacher | Trainer | Coach at Stg.makeadifference