STAND OUT!!! 1Pet.2:9 backs you up.

Ester was OUTSTANDING in beauty among all the other women because God prepared her for her
mission as a queen. Ester was chosen by God and so are you (1 Pe. 2:9).
So as the field becomes clearer and clearer you will STAND OUT because you are chosen.Then it is time to step up and dare to shine. That will bring you fulfillment as never before!!!! STAND OUT and step forward and do what God has ordained for you to do.
Is it in the field of entrepreneurship or in the medical field or in science or training or government or politics, whatever area it may be ……the moment it becomes clearer, embrace the clarity of your mission and excel in it.
That will bring you fulfillment as never before!!!! Stand out!!! Among all women …… YOU …… ARE …… CHOSEN! The mission is yours to execute. Execute it! What are you waiting for? Who are you waiting on? You got everything you need at this point in time to go for it. If not? Do with what you’ve got! 
[Nog een les uit het verhaal van Ester in de volgende blogpost God spreekt ook door de samenloop der omstandigheden ]

Denise Sumter,

Your encourager.