Shabbat Shalom! – Introduction

The more I study Modern Christianity the more I realize that it has so many man-made traditions that were created out of an anti-Semitic heart and a mindset to repay the Jews for killing the Messiah, Yeshua. These traditions were handed  over from generation to generation so now we do not even know that some of these traditions are really not according to the word of God.This reminds me of  the words of Yeshua in Marc 7:13 “Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.”

Constantine, the Emperor states in his letter to the synod in 325,  the first ecumenical Church meeting: “It is the most sacred of all parties unworthy to follow the custom of the Jews. It is our duty to have nothing in common with the murderers of our Lord. We wish us to isolate the odious people of the Jews, as a depraved people.” ( /laat_pasen_en_pesach_weer_op_een_dag_vallen_1_547858&prev=search).  In the Council of Laodicea, a regional Synod of several clerics from Asia Minor (363–364 AD) many rules and regulation were made for the Christian Church, so called canons. Canon nr 29  stated as follows:  “Outlawing the keeping of the Jewish sabbath (Saturday) and encouraging rest on the Lord’s Day (Sunday)“. That means that before this time believers in Yeshua, the Messiah kept the Sabbath.

I experience different reactions when I state to people that I celebrate the Sabbath. Some are skeptical, some immediately start to lecture me on how salvation comes by grace and not by keeping  the law (Torah). So, to them celebrating the sabbath is like I am trying to fix or buy my salvation by works. Well … that is not the case at all.  In the next blog post  I share some of the reasons why I celebrate shabbat, so I’ll see you over there …..

 Denise Sumter.

Lid van de Messiaans-Joodse Community

Kodesh L’Adonai (Heilig voor de Heer).