
My Webster’s English learner’s dictionary describes rest as to refresh oneself as by sleeping, lying down or being at ease (as in free from concern, worry, difficulty). Even though refreshing has to do with providing new strength and energy for years, I could not withstand it when someone told me that a siesta was one of his important after lunch activities. The first thoughts that always came to my mind were “What a lazy-bones! Didn’t you get enough sleep last night? Don’t you have work to do?” Those who are familiar with the song of ‘Trafassi’, “Er is nog zoveel te doen” ( ), can relate to my respond. So the idea of working while other people are enjoying their siesta became an inspiration to me to make a difference as I continued my life journey.

The turning point came in April 2014 when I was compelled by the Biblical concept of the Sabbath. I started to analyze the subject and the more I studied it the more my convictions grew towards the authenticity of the Sabbath. I then decided to not only remember the Sabbath but to keep it sacred as well. Weekly from Friday evening at sunset to Saturday evening at sunset I put my daily routines on hold and refresh myself spiritually, emotionally and physically . This new patterning of time has brought me to experience another dimension of time, another time zone which I will discuss in another blog post.

Definitely my respond to those who enjoy their traditional daytime sleep, the so-called siesta, has changed from condemning it to acknowledging its beauty and refreshing power. The words “What a lazy-bones! Didn’t you get enough sleep last night? Don’t you have work to do?” are now transformed to “Rest is not a luxury, it’s essential!” So I challenge you to join me in keeping the sabbath  ……. and let’s watch what happens next.

I ‘d love to know your thoughts or quick remarks on this post, so I get to know you personally.

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