Rise to the Challenge!

On the 5th of March 2014 I celebrated the Feast of Queen Ester (‘Purim’) for the first time since I started my Messianic spiritual journey in April 2014. This lead me to once again study the life of Ester. I want to share with you some of the things that caught my attention and hopefully spark you with it’s wisdom.

First, God works behind the scenes. In the story of Queen Esther (Hadassah – Hebrew name) it so happened that Jews were carried into exile. It so happened that Queen Vashti ignored the King when he asked her to show up gloriously on his royal banquet. As the story goes Vashti ‘s royal position therefor needed to be replaced. It so happened that among all the beautiful girls who were brought to the King’s palace Esther won the favour of everyone who saw her. It so happened that the King was so attracted to Esther and crowned her as Queen. It so happened that Mordechai came to know about the plot against the King, exposed it and so spared the King’s life. It so happened that one night when the king couldn’t sleep this particular story of Mordechai ‘s loyalty to the thrown was read to the king and Mordechai received the honour after all. What a coincidence!

It so happened … It so happened …It so happened….Really?! Did it just happen so??? I believe that God worked the scenes beautifully and wonderfully synchronized them in order to save His people. Once you realize that God works behind the scenes the only thing left for you to do is to rise to the challenge and play your part in spite of the fears and doubts you face because you know the serendipity of your God.

Second, rise to the challenge! Once you make it your habit to remember that God works behind the scenes you learn how to go with the flow of life. When you face the  challenges of life your fears will try so hard to stop you from moving forward. But in the flow of life there comes a particular moment when you’ll know what to do. One way to deal with fear is to draw your attention from the fear to your God and constantly remind yourself how amazing He is. Think about those times when He rescued you before. Remind yourself until you can wholeheartedly and with a single-mind confirm how amazing your God is.

This is the perfect time to just pause and experience how amazing your God is. Enjoy!

….. Did you feel that? I did…. Prepair yourself to rise to the challenge, be it financially, concerning your marriage, your study, your carrier, your sanity or otherwise, it doesn’t matter.

Rise to the challenge in 3 steps

Queen Esther rose to the challenge. She developed a plan, starting with a spiritual break through by fasting prayer as step 1Step 2 was to courageously approach the King without being summoned and then watch what was next. Step 3 could only be planned by faith, the 2 meals for the King and the accuser, Haman and finally her request to deliver her people, the victory. Her Plan of Action was ready. Ester rose to the challenge after she dealt with her fears and doubts. She decided to die with honour if necessary. (Esther 4:16) … fast for me  … for three days. I and my attendants will do the same. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” Queen Esther took the steps of faith and God rewarded that.

To me Queen Esther is such an inspiration of how to deal with life challenges. She faced her fears and doubts. She rose to the challenge by faith. Let’s walk in her footsteps and rise to the challenge, whatever that may be,  knowing that God works behind the scenes. Take your steps of faith and watch how God gives you victory and to God be all the glory.


Denise Sumter,

Your encourager.

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