Leren van een pro. Part 2

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg onthult een geheim in z’n speech tijdens de 2017 afsluitceremonie aan de  Harvard University.
” ……and now it’s our generations turn to do great things. I know ……. maybe you’re thinking ….. I don’t know how to build a dam. I don’t know how to get 1.000.000 people involved in anything.
Well, let me tell you a secret ….. no one does when they begin. Ideas don’t come out fully formed. They only become clear as you work on them. You just have to get started!
If I had to know everything about connecting people before I got started I never would have build Facebook. It’s really good to be idealistic, but be prepared to be misunderstood. Anyone working on a big vision is gonna get called crazy, even if you’ll end up right. Anyone taking on a complex problem is gonna get blamed for not fully understanding it, even though it is impossible to know everything up front. Anyone taking initiative will always get criticized for moving too fast because there’s always some one who wants to slow you down. In our society we often don’t take on big things because we’re so afraid of making mistakes that we ignore all the things wrong today if we don’t do nothing. The reality is anything we do today is gonna have some issues in the future but hat can’t stop us from getting started. So what are we waiting for? It is time for our generation divining great things ……”

Wat een inspiratie!!! De volledige video is hieronder.





Denise Sumter

Grounded Personal Leadership Expert bij Stg.makeadifference.