Preston’s duik-succes.

One swimming-practise before the last one I went to see how Preston, my 9 year old baby-boy was doing. He was doing ok, except for ‘duiken’ and ‘rugslag’. There was only one week left for practice to make it right. As a former marathon-swimmer I knew what is would take to get him to pass the A/B-swimming exam….. The CCC-principle to SUCCESS. With consistency, concentration, commitment and a coach he could get the job doen. But I didn’t know if he was ready for it.

So I asked Preston if he was willing to work the CCC-principle to attract his momwntum af success and he  said ‘ABSOLUTELY!!!’ So we started on monday july 19th 2016 and every day  for only 45 minutes right after school Preston LEAD HIMSELF to practise and practise and practise, again and again and again and again.

On the last school swimming-practise he already mastered ‘rugslag’ and the only challenge was ‘duiken’.And the miracle compounded on the day of his EXAM. Wow!!! Watch the result on the video below. You can also compare it to his first jump at click for DUIK-OEFENING.
When you LEAD YOURSELF to concentrate on mastering a particular skill and practice it with consistency and commitment for even one week, the compound-effect kicks in and put’s you in awe!!

Denise Sumter