Part1. Finish what you start!!!


Yes … we’ve agreed to finish what we started in January, right?! But how do you lead yourself to do that? Here is an approach that will help you to put the last 90 days of the year into perspective using the focusing question.


“What is THE ONE THING that I need to do in order to finish strong?”

 First, consider your START.

When you started the year you had your dreams and goals, right?!  Let’s look at the different areas of your life, be it the spiritual part or the personal development area or health, family and household, business, job and finances. Then go through these areas and ask yourself the ‘one-thing’-focusing question. What is THE ONE THING in this particular area of my life that I need to do if I wanna finish the year strong? That will force you to focus on THAT ONE THING that makes everything else in that particular area unnecessary or unimportant. Now your focus for the next 90 days is clear. For example I take my HEALTH AREA and the ONE THING that wanna finish strong with is my 20 minute treadmill walks and 10 minute ‘getting-belly-flat-exercises. Noted!!!


Second, consider your PROCESS

Now you need to find the flow to go for it. In order to find the flow you need to schedule and block the day and time to step into your flow. Now take each of these ONE THINGS and  find the time in your weekly calendar to make it happen. Since you have decided in step one that these are activities of high value to you it will be easy to move the other seemingly important tasks aside and focus on these ONE THINGS. 
The challenge that you now will face is to do them with consistency and commitment. Consistency can be build in these last 90 days by neglecting EVERY OTHER THOUGHT that arises at the particular time that is scheduled for your ONE THING. Once you’ve gone through your plan for the day in your early morning grounding session you keep in mind your ONE THING. And at times during the day you remind yourself over and over and over again in order to stay on track. Once it is time for your  ONE THING … you jump into it without taking into consideration any thought except your ONE THING!!! Once you do this over and over and over again and again and again you will experience flow and joy and your self-confidence will grow as you flow.


Third, consider your FINISH

Wow, the end!!! Steven Covey says, ‘begin with the end in mind’. Make a vivid picture of the expected outcome. You will be amazed to see the change in attitude when you make it your habit to begin your day and your task and every main activity with the end in mind. By recalling the end, and picturing the expected outcome, you call upon your personal leadership and set yourself into the right mode and step into your flow. As Napoleon Hill states ‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve’. As you picture the result from the start and you do that repeatedly, the process will get into a flow and can not but produce an outstanding result. ….. You will finish what you started and you will finish strong!!!


*Wonna finish the year together with a group of goal-driven, progressive, godfearing women? Join us at the END.of.the.year.EVT at End of the year Event
*Wonna know more about how to ground yourself and ascent to THE NEXT LEVEL in your life register for more at

Denise Sumter.

Teacher |Trainer |Coach bij Stg.makeadifference.,