Holy Communion & Pesach.

Ever since I started Torah-studies I get these epiphanies on certain topics. Viewing the Word from it’s Hebraic background definitely produces one epiphany after the other. This one is about ‘The Holy Supper’. I never new that ‘The Last Supper’ of Yeshua and the 12 was part of a Seder Haggadah. I always thought that it was about the bread and the wine….wow!….What an eye-opener. This is what I discovered.

Yeshua asked disciple so and so to go prepair the…. for Him. This was the traditional Feast of the Lord as commanded, mandaded in Lev 23 ‘ citaat’.

How then did this Seder-maaltijd narrowed down to the cup and the wine in Modern Christianity? I really don’t know. But what I do know is that it very much looks like one of those man-made rituals just like the baptism of babies which is no where found in the Bible as ordaned like I know it, since I come from Moravian upbringing.

Question is…Will God be pleased by all of these man-made traditions? I am convinced he’s not, And I therefor radically do not follow de meerderheid in het kwaad. Cuz i cannot tell God ‘Well, my paster preached it, so i obeyed….’ Yes we shoul obey  and respect our pastors. But since I am convinced that God is not pleased with it I Celebrate Pesach as commended in Lev 23 and John 13. Chach Sameach Pesach.

Denise Sumter

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