Building your presence online Part 3

Building your presence online. Indeed… you guessed right!!! It brings in THE MONEY!!! Laat me eerlijk wezen. Het komt niet binnen als zee-water … of laat me beter zeggen…’t komt NOG NIET binnen als zee-water as from the Atlantic Ocean, maar wel als rivierwater van de Cottica (Suriname). 

… Maar feit is … ‘t komt binnen!!! Meer hierover in the 4th reason why I started to build my presence online, but let me now get into the 3rd reason

Reason nr 3.

As I operate online I easily connect with like-minded people who hold me accountable  and keep me focused on my journey of success and significance. Keeping the BIG DREAM alive takes consistency, commitment and concentration, and that can be challenging at times. Since the average people live mediocre lives, settling down for whatever comes their way and as they are OK with doing life on survival-mode,  there  can be much resistance, restrain and misunderstandings. Therefore I surround myself with people online who refuse to live average lives, people who refuse to settle down for whatever comes their way and with people who are not OK with doing life on survival-mode, so we keep each on the right track.

Reason nr 4

Building a presence online opens the door for my 2nd income-stream through content-marketing. I deliver the valuable content goal-driven, no-nonsense women are looking for. Once they become part of our online Community they benefit from our programs and  services  and connect with like-minded women as well. That allows me to generate my 2nd income-stream so the dollars are coming in first as brackishwater from a canal and now as fresh water from the river. 

Considering the economic situation Suriname is now facing, building your presence online is the way for esp. professionals, entrepreneurs and seniors to deal with it’s effects, in this information age (some say the connection age). The connection-machine never stops working even as you sleep it goes on and on and so does your online presences as it is connected to your business … if you set it upTHE RIGHT WAY. Remember … there is always someone one step ahead of you who is willing to coach you, the right way. You just need to find that person. I found mine and am growing to THE NEXT LEVEL on my journey of success and significance.

A call to action

Start where you are by strategically building your presence online and in doing so serving the people you were created to serve. And as you go about your way ascending to the next level and the next and the next and the next … you’re generating your second income stream  slowly, but gradually.
What an exciting way to MAKE YOUR DIFFERENCE as you’re

Wonna know more … contact me NOW 



Denise Sumter

Grounded Personal Leadership Expert