Building your presence online Part 1

Yes, indeed, building your presence online is necessary and simple as we’ve seen in the introductory-blog on the topic. Surely you already have an online presence, because in this day and age no one can survive as a professional or entrepreneur without it.

Your electronic mailbox allows people in your network to communicate with you rapidly. Most of you do social media. You have a social presence using Facebook, Linked-in, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or Twitter, etc. Facebook alone had 1.13 billion daily active users on average and 1.03 billion mobile daily active users on average for June 2016, according to the company stats ….wow!!! Since I believe that you are already online, it now is a matter of using the social platform strategically to build your presence ….. but why?


Why I started to build my presence strategically online?

Here is reason nr 1.
For me the online world became a place to execute my CALLING. Over the years it became clear to me that encouraging people to stand up again and move forward, when life knocked them down was more than something I spontaneously did.  I’ve discovered that when I encourage fellow human beings who are in a state of insecurity, instability and confusion I feel so intense and the words come from a deep and cor place inside of me. It became such a  life fulfilling experience …indescribable!!! Realizing not only the impact of this experience on my personal life but also on the lives of other people I decided to make it my mission.

Being struck down by life many times, first by the challenges of  a hectic life as a pregnant senior academic student with a full-time job, then by the challenges of single-parenthood and definitely by the challenge to keep my daughter sane after her recovery from mental strain, I have learned to LEAD MYSELF to stand up again from within and to move forward, ascending to THE NEXT LEVEL, THE NEXT SEASON on my journey of success and significance.

In the process I have developed a model on personal leadership which pulled me up time and time, again and again GROUNDED PERSONAL LEADERSHIP. Now I use this 3 dimensional model to help other people online through teaching, training and coaching. If you wonna know more about this model or about the teaching, training and coaching sessions feel free to contact me at

Denise Sumter

Teacher| Trainer| Coach at Stg.makeadifference